Release Notes

Version 23.0 – Released 20 May 2023

Fixed bug in element truss that could cause the program to fail without warning.

Added integer version of command min.

Added capacity to add 3D arrays

Added array3d_unslice command.

Version 20.1.5 – Released 14 December 2020

Correct a bug related to the interface elements and equation number optimization (command node_order).

Internal code changes to modernize code.

Version 20.1.4 – Released 08 August 2020

Fixed a bug in buffering a large number of nodal mass or dampers.

Fixed bug in echoing input for element stiff2n.

Version 20.1.2 – Released 29 March 2020

Fixed minor typos to help.

Some internal changes that were required for the Linux build.

Version 20.1 – Released 15 March 2020

Added option in hyd_export_graphics to plot only the "wet" panels. This is helpful in evaluating the mesh graphically.

The option to export in Tecplot format was removed.

The following commands were removed because they were no longer needed:




Version 20.0 – Released 01 February 2020

Major improvement: A significant change has been made to the mass_summary command. The 6x6 rigid body mass matrix calculations remain the same, but the calculations to estimate the CG have been modified substantially. In cases where the three masses (x, y and z) are the same, the estimate of the CG should normally be more consistent.

Minor improvement: 1) Warnings printed if diagonal added mass and/or hydrodynamic damping coefficients are calculated; 2) Additional error checking has been added.

Version 19.3.2 – Released 09 October 2019

Minor improvement: Additional error checking related to equation optimization for FEA was added. Enhanced help for commands node_order and num_eqs. Manual was updated.

Typo in input file hydro.txt in OMAEbarge introduced in v. 19.3.1 fixed.

Version 19.3.1 – Released 07 August 2019

Major improvement: Major changes have been made to the command hyd_flex_modes. These changes simplify the process of converting the structural mode shapes to the format required for the hydrodynamic analysis, when those mode shapes are computed within HYDRAN-XR. Note that these changes will require some changes to input files that use this command. See the new input files for OMAEbarge (included in the update) for the use of the new features, and refer to the command help.

Corrected error in export_graphics when animating mode shapes when there are constrained displacements.

Modified mass_summary to save the results to the database.

Corrected other minor issues.

Version 19.3 – Released 27 July 2019

Added option for animation of displaced shapes/mode shapes in export_graphics command for FEA meshes.

Fixed bug in mass command related to input when buffer fills.

Modified min5s to print warning about warping based on a bigger threshold.

Filein command: now looks for probname.txt before looking for probname as input file. If filename is specified, giving the extension .txt is optional.

Fixed bug in hyd_velocity_nodes command where .hyd_#vel_nodes was attempted to be set before the value was calculated.

Fixed error in looping. Break_loop exited a loop without initializing the loop variables, so another loop would fail.

Fixed cable element so it will work with node_order without without first numbering the equations.

Modifed mass_summary to calculate the 6x6 “rigid body” mass matrix as well as estimate  the center of mass.

Added additional error checking.

Version 19.2.1 – Released 03 July 2019

When the computational engine encounters an unrecoverable error and must quit, it will pause for operator input. Otherwise, the GUI would quit unexpectedly.